formerly Hospice King-Aurora-Richmond Hill

"The evidence provided reflects a commitment to providing high-quality volunteer-based Visiting Hospice Services."
December 2019
Message from the Accreditation Review Team
Hope House Community Hospice has fulfilled the requirements for HPCO accreditation by demonstrating through extensive written and verbal evidence, that it follows HPCO standards.
In total, 137 items were gathered and evaluated.
The written and verbal evidence provided throughout the accreditation review demonstrate that the governance, operational, quality improvement and service delivery processes of this organization align with HPCO standards.
After reviewing the evidence, it is our assessment that Hope House Community Hospice meets the following expectations of a Visiting Hospice Service accredited by HPCO:
• The organization achieves a score of 90% or higher on the Accreditation Review assessment
• Services are designed and delivered in a way that maximizes safety for clients, volunteers and staff.
• The organization operates in a sustainable way; the current method of delivering service is likely to continue at this level for the next three years
• The organization demonstrates ongoing quality improvement
DECEMBER 2019 - Hope House completed Hospice Palliative Care Ontario's Accreditation Program for Visiting Volunteer Hospice Program