formerly Hospice King-Aurora-Richmond Hill
resources for families
Self-Care Practice Library

we're here for you during COVID-19
Welcome to our Self-Care Prac tice Library!
Enjoy a selection of Yoga and Meditation practices created for our Hope House community by two of our wonderful wellness facilitators, Gwendolyn & Adina.
mindfulness for kids
yoga nidra for relaxation
guided meditation
Restoring Your Natural Balance Mat Meditation Practice (48:45)
Loving Kindness Meditation: Focus On A Difficult Person (20:01)
Vispassana Breath Observation * Short Session* (6:10)
5 Senses Guided Meditation (10:01)
Loving Kindness Meditation: Creating Love for Yourself And The Whole World (30:14)
Guided Mindful of Nature Meditation (19:24)
Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation (15:18)
Vispassana Meditation (14:50)
Guided Colour Visualization (9:00)
Guided Pranayama, Affirmations & Body Awareness Practice (11:40)
E F T -tapping for wellbeing
EFT Tapping for Chronic Pain (8:17)
gentle yoga
Yochi (yoga tai chi inspired!) (34:42)
Forgiveness Yoga Flow (54:53)
Cozy Chakra Yoga Flow (43:34)
Reverse the Slouch Yoga Practice video (19:09)
Simple Yoga Session time (11:38)
Cooling Yoga (50:29)
gentle movement